Ornamental grasses are used in a garden arrangement, parks and as cities green components. However, abilities of their using depends on attractive values and resistance to environmental conditions. The research is an assessment of aesthetic values and possibilities of using selected ornamental grasses taxa in planning of green areas in south-west Poland. Ten taxa of ornamental grasses were selected for bonitation and biometric evaluation. The following traits were described: the type of growth, overwintering, general aspect, density of tillers, colour, health state, and resistance to weeding while the following were measured: height of vegetative parts and generative shoots. There was replanted shoots of grasses into a new experimental plot and ability to propagate of individual taxa was described. Usefulness to generative reproduction was tested by counting of seeds and observations of their strength and energy of germination. The results show that the ornamental grasses kept their aesthetic value from early spring (May) until late autumn and several of them are attractive also in winter. The influence of this evaluation had: decorative inflorescences, different colour of leaves blade, interesting structure and varied type of growth. The investigated ornamental grasses showed a good overwintering and low susceptibility to diseases.

MLA | Szymura, Magdalena, et al. "Ocena wartości użytkowej wybranych gatunków traw ozdobnych w warunkach Dolnego Śląska." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4.3 (2010): #36. |
APA | Magdalena Szymura, Sylwia Grzywniak, Karol Wolski, Tomasz H. Szymura, Agnieszka Dradrach (2010). Ocena wartości użytkowej wybranych gatunków traw ozdobnych w warunkach Dolnego Śląska. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4 (3), #36 |
ISO 690 | SZYMURA, Magdalena, et al. Ocena wartości użytkowej wybranych gatunków traw ozdobnych w warunkach Dolnego Śląska. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2010, 4.3: #36. |
Magdalena Szymura
Katedra Łąkarstwa i Kształtowania Terenów Zieleni
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
pl. Grunwaldzki 24 A
50-363 Wrocław
e-mail: Magdalena.Szymura@up.wroc.pl