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Ewa Czerwińska, Wojciech Piotrowski
Evaluation of the microbiological contamination risk in bakery taking into account processing of light rye bread

Bread is one of those products, in which changes unfavorably influence both the appearance and may appear directly after baking. Decrease of consumption quality of bread could be caused by staling process taking place too fast or development of bacteria, mould and yeast.
A special significance in ascribed to keeping good microbiological quality of bread. It is also vital to prepare dough according to its composition, to keep the baking time and apply proper sanitary storage conditions. The aim of the work was to evaluate the risk of microbiological contamination in bakery taking into account the processing of light rye bread. A particular attention was given to an assessment of microbiological contaminations occurring in raw and final product (light rye bread). Using the results Critical Control Points were elaborated. In the work dangers resulted in the presence of bacteria and toxins-produced fungi are presented. The examination was performed in two periods and at two incubation temperatures for bacteria: 37 and 55°C, and for fungi – in 22°C.

Key words: rye flour, sourdough, rye bread, stale bread
PDFFull text available in Polish in Adobe Acrobat format:

For citation:

MLA Czerwińska, Ewa, and Wojciech Piotrowski. "Ocena ryzyka zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologicznego w piekarni z uwzględnieniem procesu wytwarzania pieczywa żytniego." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4.2 (2010): #14.
APA Ewa Czerwińska, Wojciech Piotrowski (2010). Ocena ryzyka zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologicznego w piekarni z uwzględnieniem procesu wytwarzania pieczywa żytniego. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 4 (2), #14
ISO 690 CZERWIńSKA, Ewa, PIOTROWSKI, Wojciech. Ocena ryzyka zanieczyszczenia mikrobiologicznego w piekarni z uwzględnieniem procesu wytwarzania pieczywa żytniego. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2010, 4.2: #14.
Corresponding address:
Ewa Czerwińska
Katedra Biologicznych Podstaw Rolnictwa
Politechnika Koszalińska
ul. Racławicka 15-17
75-620 Koszalin
Accepted for print: 9.02.2010