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Agnieszka E. Ławniczak, Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz, Szymon Jusik, Beata Hryc-Jusik, Jerzy Kupiec, Ewa Rembiałkowska
Habitat conservation problems basing on the Brodnicki Landscape Park

EU Habitat Directive, which is one of principles of nature conservation in Poland, based on coherent ecological network of special conservation zones, called Nature 2000. The Directive is establishing special protection for natural habitats considered to be most in need of conservation at a European level. The botanical survey carried out on the area of the Brodnicki Landscape Park (BLP) where the Nature 2000 Special Protection Area is established with the area of 3135 ha. Research was limited to the non-forest vegetation, and included grasslands, wetlands and freshwater (lakes and rivers). It was revealed that nine of the identified plant communities indicates valuable natural habitats recognised by the Habitat Directive: Molinia meadows (Molinion caeruleae), lowland hay meadows, natural euthrophic lakes with Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition-type vegetation, hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with benthic vegetation of Chareta spp., natural distrophic lakes and ponds, active raised bogs, hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plains and of the montane to alpine levels, transition mires and quaking bogs and akkaline fens. These habitats were territorially very limited. The majority of the Drwęca Valley is covered by tall reed and sedge communities (Phragmition and Magnocaricion) of rich fens. Relatively large areas of the grasslands are overgrown by Cirsio-Polygonetum bistortae community, which are rich in rare and valuable species. Low extent of habitat types which are recognised by the Habitat Directive makes the practical nature protection problematic under the Nature 2000 regulations.

Key words: habitat protection, nature conservation, Habitat Directive, Nature 2000
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For citation:

MLA Ławniczak, Agnieszka E., et al. "Problemy wdrażania programu ochrony siedlisk na przykładzie Brodnickiego Parku Krajobrazowego." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.3 (2009): #94.
APA Agnieszka E. Ławniczak, Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz, Szymon Jusik, Beata Hryc-Jusik, Jerzy Kupiec, Ewa Rembiałkowska (2009). Problemy wdrażania programu ochrony siedlisk na przykładzie Brodnickiego Parku Krajobrazowego. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (3), #94
ISO 690 ŁAWNICZAK, Agnieszka E., et al. Problemy wdrażania programu ochrony siedlisk na przykładzie Brodnickiego Parku Krajobrazowego. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.3: #94.
Corresponding address:
Agnieszka E. Ławniczak
Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Piątkowska 94 C
60-649 Poznań
Accepted for print: 28.04.2009