The Biebrza River valley is covered by different types of vegetation as grasses, sedges, reeds, shrubbery and trees. In compliance with the elements of methodology of the river-bed flow capacity calculations has been distinguishable oneself three types of vegetation height. High vegetation is considered as higher than a water level flow. Vegetation which height is equal to water level, mainly is specified as medium vegetation. Vegetation with the height lower than the water level flow has been specified as low. This distribution is not unmistakable, and in comparison of natural fluctuations of water levels, in practice the same vegetation can be numbered to different types. Resistances of totally flooded shrubbery and trees are calculated from the Colebrook-White equation on the basis of distinguished roughness height. Water flow resistance in flowing round high vegetation is calculated on the basis of supplementary average vegetation diameter and supplementary distances between plants in direction of water flow, and transversal to it. On the basis of a vegetation inventory in the Biebrza River valley water flow resistance of a naturally distributed high vegetation was characterized. Discharge calculations considering varied vegetation in a main channel as well as in floodplains were performed for a selected cross-section. The obtained results allow to take into account influence of a vegetation on channel and floodplain capacity.
MLA | Kozioł, Adam, and Dorota Mirosław-Świątek. "Analiza przepustowości koryta i doliny rzeki Biebrzy w Basenie Dolnym." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.3 (2009): #88. |
APA | Adam Kozioł, Dorota Mirosław-Świątek (2009). Analiza przepustowości koryta i doliny rzeki Biebrzy w Basenie Dolnym. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (3), #88 |
ISO 690 | KOZIOł, Adam, MIROSłAW-ŚWIąTEK, Dorota. Analiza przepustowości koryta i doliny rzeki Biebrzy w Basenie Dolnym. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.3: #88. |
Adam Kozioł
Katedra Inżynierii Wodnej i Rekultywacji Środowiska
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
ul. Nowoursynowska 159
02-787 Warszawa