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Szymon Jusik, Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz
Biodiversity of water plants in diverse conditions of morphological modifications in lowland rivers of western Poland

Field surveys were led between 2003-2008 in 214 lowland rivers sites of Poland. Surveys of river morphology were conducted according to the River Habitat Survey (RHS) method. Macrophyte Method for River Assessment (MMOR) was used to assess freshwater vegetation. Considering differentiation of macrophytes three types of lowland rivers. The following can be distinguished: sandy, small gravel-pebble and medium-large gravel-pebble. In distinguished types, sites were divided into three groups of diverse intensity of morphological modifications. This was executed on basis of value of synthetic index transformation – Habitat Modification Score (HMS). In all analysed types of rivers, a significant influence of morphological modifications on biodiversity indexes, was observed. This dependence was very similar to Gauss’ curve. The highest biodiversity occurred near moderate level of modification, smaller in cases of weak and very strong morphological degradation. The observed dependences were a result of indirect influence of shading on decrees of vegetation. Also the direct influence of changer in channel’s morphology was noticed.

Key words: biodiversity, macrophytes, morphological modifications of rivers
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For citation:

MLA Jusik, Szymon, and Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz. "Różnorodność biologiczna roślin wodnych w warunkach zróżnicowanych przekształceń morfologicznych rzek nizinnych Polski Zachodniej." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.3 (2009): #84.
APA Szymon Jusik, Krzysztof Szoszkiewicz (2009). Różnorodność biologiczna roślin wodnych w warunkach zróżnicowanych przekształceń morfologicznych rzek nizinnych Polski Zachodniej. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (3), #84
ISO 690 JUSIK, Szymon, SZOSZKIEWICZ, Krzysztof. Różnorodność biologiczna roślin wodnych w warunkach zróżnicowanych przekształceń morfologicznych rzek nizinnych Polski Zachodniej. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.3: #84.
Corresponding address:
Szymon Jusik
Katedra Ekologii i Ochrony Środowiska
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Piątkowska 94 C
60-649 Poznań
Accepted for print: 10.07.2009