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Michał Nawrot, Adam Jeziorny
Biometrical profile of wild boar (Sus scrofa L., 1758) on the background of wild boar management in Siemianice Game Breeding Centre

Intensive hunting ground development (meant as building facilities for hunters, feeding wild animals with special kinds of feed, planned game shooting and field protection against damages caused by game) has a significant influence on the wild boar population. In the Siemianice Game Breeding Centre the number of wild boars has increased by about 50% in the last seven years. In the same period the shooting rate has increased by about 100%, while the reduced area of damaged agriculture has decreased from 1.00 ha per specimen to 0.3 ha per specimen. Furthermore, the difference between an average weight of one-year-old boars and two-year-old ones has increased, which means that they have been growing on fat more intensively after changing the way they have been managed in the Game Breeding Centre. The average weight of one-year-olds has decreased because of higher shooting rate of piglets that were born in late spring and summer.

Key words: wild boar, biometry, hunting ground development
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For citation:

MLA Nawrot, Michał, and Adam Jeziorny. "Profil biometryczny dzika (Sus scrofa L., 1758) na tle gospodarowania jego populacją w Ośrodku Hodowli Zwierzyny Siemianice." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.2 (2009): #68.
APA Michał Nawrot, Adam Jeziorny (2009). Profil biometryczny dzika (Sus scrofa L., 1758) na tle gospodarowania jego populacją w Ośrodku Hodowli Zwierzyny Siemianice. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (2), #68
ISO 690 NAWROT, Michał, JEZIORNY, Adam. Profil biometryczny dzika (Sus scrofa L., 1758) na tle gospodarowania jego populacją w Ośrodku Hodowli Zwierzyny Siemianice. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.2: #68.
Corresponding address:
Michał Nawrot
Michał Nawrot
Leśny Zakład Doświadczalny w Siemianicach
ul. Kasztanowa 1/1
63-645 Łęka Opatowska
Accepted for print: 24.02.2009