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Ireneusz Kowalik, Tadeusz Michalski
Dry matter content in a raw product as an estimated indicator of a fodder value of ensilage from maize

In three-factor field experiments the plants density (7 and 9 plants per 1 m2), harvest in three terms (milk-waxen, waxen and at the beginning of full maturity) and three heights of plants cut (15, 40 and 65 cm) were studied. The research was carried out in 1996-1997 with ‘Greta’ variety of “stay green” maize. After the harvest plants were silages in the foil bags upon two variants of fragmentation. After three months the ensilage was picked up and the quality, chemical composition and the losses size were estimated. Dry matter content in maize plants (before silage) diversified in the range of 259 up to 347 g/kg. Maturity and cut height of plants had the highest influence on content of dry matter in a raw product and silage, as well as on ensilage chemical composition. At a higher cut, in the dry matter of ensilage, the content of protein, raw fat and N-free extract increased, whereas the content of raw fibre and raw ash decreased. Increase of dry matter content influenced on linear growth of ensilage energy value and decrease of raw protein content. As the research showed, also in case of “stay green” variety of new generation, content of dry matter in a raw product for silage turned out to be a good measure, reflecting the content of alimentary components and ensilage energy value.

Key words: maize, silage, dry matter, feeding value
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For citation:

MLA Kowalik, Ireneusz, and Tadeusz Michalski. "Zawartość suchej masy w surowcu jako szacunkowy wskaźnik wartości pokarmowej kiszonki z kukurydzy." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.2 (2009): #65.
APA Ireneusz Kowalik, Tadeusz Michalski (2009). Zawartość suchej masy w surowcu jako szacunkowy wskaźnik wartości pokarmowej kiszonki z kukurydzy. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (2), #65
ISO 690 KOWALIK, Ireneusz, MICHALSKI, Tadeusz. Zawartość suchej masy w surowcu jako szacunkowy wskaźnik wartości pokarmowej kiszonki z kukurydzy. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.2: #65.
Corresponding address:
Ireneusz Kowalik
Ireneusz Kowalik
Instytut Inżynierii Rolniczej
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 50
60-625 Poznań
Accepted for print: 13.01.2009