Regions of the New and Old Prague as well as Szmulowizna in the Northern Prague district distinguish themselves from the city area. Visual border which marks this area is a railway line built on the embankment encircling the area from the northern, the eastern and the southern side. The embankment of the railway equipped with electric traction and overgrown with self-sown plants has variable height, ranging from 3 to 8 meters and because of this is well visible from different places within the area. The western border of the area are floodland terraces of the Vistula river, for dozen years covered with natural poplar and willow forest. In this distinguished area, there is localized the oldest and the most densely built part of the Northern Prague district commonly called The Prague. Urbanized structure of the area does not have an equal character. The most densely built is the terrain in the middle of the area and terrains which adjoins the railway embankment from the northern, the eastern and the southern side. The western part of the area, except the old Prague region, is not built up. Within this part there are localized: Municipal Zoo, the Prague Park and terrains belonging to the Prague Port. Because of the 19th century spatial composition of the building, regions of the Old Prague and the Szmulowizna are poorly provided with green spaces. The New Prague, where the most of the housing estates were built in the 20th century, has a different character. Because of an urban specificity of the whole area and its communication system, determined by the railway line inhabitants of the Prague have difficult access to green spaces localized along the Vistula river. The Green Crescent of the Prague is an idea of transformation of the both slopes of the railway embankment as well as the surrounding wastelands and allotments, into an attractive park area. The green space could be established within the whole circuit of the railway embankment, from the Gdański Bridge in the North up to the Średnicowy Bridge in the South. The newly created recreational park terrain of 7 kilometers length could improve unfavourable proportion between the green spaces and urban structure of this area. A proper program of utilization of the green belt of Prague and internal system of pedestrian paths and bicycle lanes will give to the inhabitants of Prague an access without interferences to the Vistula riverside.
MLA | Skalski, Janusz. "Planty Praskie. Koncepcja zaprojektowania nowych terenów parkowo-rekreacyjnych w warszawskiej dzielnicy Praga Północ." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.1 (2009): #57. |
APA | Janusz Skalski (2009). Planty Praskie. Koncepcja zaprojektowania nowych terenów parkowo-rekreacyjnych w warszawskiej dzielnicy Praga Północ. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (1), #57 |
ISO 690 | SKALSKI, Janusz. Planty Praskie. Koncepcja zaprojektowania nowych terenów parkowo-rekreacyjnych w warszawskiej dzielnicy Praga Północ. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.1: #57. |
Janusz Skalski
Janusz Skalski
Samodzielny Zakład Sztuki Krajobrazu
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
ul. Nowoursynowska 166
02-787 Warszawa
e-mail: skalscy@