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Piotr Urbański, Michał Krzyżaniak, Agnieszka Rydzewska
Greenery of Poznań and other Polish cities

Greenery has been and will be one of the main factors shaping the hygienic and sanitary conditions and naturalising the urban area highly transformed by a man. It positively affects aesthetic values of the landscape and improves its visual values. Urban greenery, even marginalised, plays an important recreational role. It was as early as in the Athens Charter that recreation was defined as the constant element of the architectonic urban doctrine whose basic functions were: dwelling, work and recreation. Recently changes in recreation styles of urban citizens have been observed. They result from an increase in the irregular work time or work in front of a computer at home. It is connected also with the changing recreational needs of citizens and changing greenery area size in Polish cities. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the greenery of Poznań against greeneries of other Polish cities.

Key words: parks, squares, greenery of housing estates, forests, cemeteries
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For citation:

MLA Urbański, Piotr, et al. "Zieleń Poznania i innych miast w Polsce." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.1 (2009): #44.
APA Piotr Urbański, Michał Krzyżaniak, Agnieszka Rydzewska (2009). Zieleń Poznania i innych miast w Polsce. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (1), #44
ISO 690 URBAńSKI, Piotr, KRZYżANIAK, Michał, RYDZEWSKA, Agnieszka. Zieleń Poznania i innych miast w Polsce. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.1: #44.
Corresponding address:
Piotr Urbański
Piotr Urbański
Katedra Terenów Zieleni
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Dąbrowskiego 159
60-594 Poznań
Accepted for print: 28.11.2008