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Jan Rylke, Magdalena Gąsowska
The values of country and industrial landscape for development of recreation on the example of the Warmian villages and Elbląg Canalz

Warmia at the end of XIV century was covered with a system of villages, when basing on three-field system disposal was shaped already in Europe. The ground which was poor, difficult in tillage and shaped through glacier was put-upon in such a kind way until today remained the number and arrangement of these villages. Also the number of occupants wasn’t changed a lot. The success of mediaeval colonization lay in optimum utilization of natural conditions of the Warmia landscape and their transformation in cultural landscape, which it’s basic tourist potential. Similar situation occurred on the neighbouring of Masurien areas, where the development of water transport was the booster of the creation of industrial landscape, using the natural conditions prevailing there. The replacement of carriage though the water by train and road networks allowed to maintain unique, industrial and cultural landscape of Elbląg Canal, which presents also the touristic potential of these terrain. Our studies and investigations over the landscape and cultural values permit us to show such directions of development of studied terrains which will not reduce, but they will develop the existing recreational potential. Their development will permit to extrapolate it to results on other areas, more obliterated during cultural changes.

Key words: visual value, esthetic estimation, landscape perception
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For citation:

MLA Rylke, Jan, and Magdalena Gąsowska. "Wartości krajobrazu wiejskiego i przemysłowego dla rozwoju rekreacji na przykładzie wsi warmińskich i Kanału Elbląskiego." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.1 (2009): #33.
APA Jan Rylke, Magdalena Gąsowska (2009). Wartości krajobrazu wiejskiego i przemysłowego dla rozwoju rekreacji na przykładzie wsi warmińskich i Kanału Elbląskiego. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (1), #33
ISO 690 RYLKE, Jan, GąSOWSKA, Magdalena. Wartości krajobrazu wiejskiego i przemysłowego dla rozwoju rekreacji na przykładzie wsi warmińskich i Kanału Elbląskiego. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.1: #33.
Corresponding address:
Jan Rylke
Jan Rylke
Katedra Sztuki Krajobrazu
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
ul. Nowoursynowska 166
02-787 Warszaww
Accepted for print: 14.11.2008