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Jarosław Piesik
Small reservoirs in the landscape of Szczecin

Lakes, rivers and other reservoirs are inseparable elements which create urban areas. Despite bad environmental conditions, bigger lakes or rivers are still able to preserve their natural conditions, being only partly contaminated. However, smaller reservoirs such as ponds are endangered by human activities to the largest extent. In those ponds, there is a bigger ecological variety than in clear lakes or rivers. Reservoirs are often situated in very attractive places, for example, the centre of the city. As a result of lack of ideas on developing lakes and round lakes areas, those terrains have been neglected, lost their beauty and become useless sumps. Those places do not enrich the landscape any more, on the contrary, they have a negative influence on the neighbouring area. The case study presents exemplary reservoirs located in Szczecin. The analysis that has been made proved that those reservoirs can still play a big role in the city’s landscape, mainly as a attraction for tourists as well as for citizens. The conclusion of that analysis presents suggestions as far as the revalorization of these places is concerned.

Key words: pond, small reservoirs, landscape
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For citation:

MLA Piesik, Jarosław. "Małe zbiorniki wodne w krajobrazie Szczecina." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.1 (2009): #28.
APA Jarosław Piesik (2009). Małe zbiorniki wodne w krajobrazie Szczecina. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (1), #28
ISO 690 PIESIK, Jarosław. Małe zbiorniki wodne w krajobrazie Szczecina. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.1: #28.
Corresponding address:
Jarosław Piesik
Jarosław Piesik
Katedra Projektowania Krajobrazu
Akademia Rolnicza w Szczecinie
ul. Krakowska 4
71-021 Szczecin
Accepted for print: 15.11.2008