The aim of this study was to obtain processed cheese analogs from acid casein and partially replaced by polymerized whey protein isolate and test their rheological properties and meltability. Textural properties of processed cheese analogs were performed with a TA-XT2i Texture Analyser. The cheese samples were penetrated to 20 mm by a testing set (10 mm diameter) in constant temperature (21°C). The rate of penetration was 1 mm/s. Viscosity of processed cheese analogs was measured using a dynamic rheometer RS 300. Meltability of processed cheese analogs was measured using a modified Schreiber test. Increase the WPI content in product caused increase of processed cheese analogs hardness. The growth of protein concentration in cheese caused increase of their viscosity. Meltability of cheese analogs decreased alongside with increase of casein concentration and also after addition of WPI. Substitution of 1% of casein by 1% whey protein produces much more solid cheese; it can bring about a reduction of casein content in product with better rheological properties.
MLA | Sołowiej, Bartosz. "Właściwości reologiczne i topliwość analogów serów topionych z dodatkiem izolatu białek serwatkowych." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.4 (2009): #123. |
APA | Bartosz Sołowiej (2009). Właściwości reologiczne i topliwość analogów serów topionych z dodatkiem izolatu białek serwatkowych. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (4), #123 |
ISO 690 | SOłOWIEJ, Bartosz. Właściwości reologiczne i topliwość analogów serów topionych z dodatkiem izolatu białek serwatkowych. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.4: #123. |
Bartosz Sołowiej
Katedra Biotechnologii
Żywienia Człowieka i Towaroznawstwa Żywności
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
ul. Skromna 8
20-704 Lublin
e-mail: bartosz.