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Wiesław Wiśniewolski, Janusz Ligięza, Paweł Prus, Paweł Buras, Jacek Szlakowski, Irena Borzęcka
The role of connectivity between river-bed and oxbow lakes for the ichthyofauna composition on the example of middle and lower Vistula River

The Vistula River is one of the last large European rivers with substantial sections of middle and lower course preserved together with floodplain in close to natural or slightly modified state. Ichthyofauna assemblages of river sections differing in connectivity with floodplain water bodies (high, moderate, lack) and open oxbows were characterized. The results confirm importance of oxbows presence and their connection with main channel for biodiversity of fish assemblages. The Shannon-Wiener index reached highest values for oxbows and main channel sections connected with them. Two fish species were noted exclusively in oxbows and for 12 native species highest numbers were found in this habitat. For 21 native species (including 6 preferring oxbow habitats and 10 sensitive to river-bed modifications) highest numbers were found in river sections highly or moderately connected with floodplain. In river sections not connected with floodplain highest numbers were stated only for two high tolerance species: bream and roach. This confirm high value of moderately transformed sections of middle and lower Vistula River for sustaining fish fauna biodiversity. The need for protection of this river against further morphological degradation due to hydrotechnical modifications should be stressed.

Key words: large rivers, oxbows, ichthyofauna, biodiversity, habitat variability, the Vistula River
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For citation:

MLA Wiśniewolski, Wiesław, et al. "Znaczenie łączności rzeki ze starorzeczami dla składu ichtiofauny na przykładzie środkowej i dolnej Wisły." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.3 (2009): #107.
APA Wiesław Wiśniewolski, Janusz Ligięza, Paweł Prus, Paweł Buras, Jacek Szlakowski, Irena Borzęcka (2009). Znaczenie łączności rzeki ze starorzeczami dla składu ichtiofauny na przykładzie środkowej i dolnej Wisły. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (3), #107
ISO 690 WIśNIEWOLSKI, Wiesław, et al. Znaczenie łączności rzeki ze starorzeczami dla składu ichtiofauny na przykładzie środkowej i dolnej Wisły. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.3: #107.
Corresponding address:
Wiesław Wiśniewolski
Zakład Rybactwa Rzecznego
Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego im. Stanisława Sakowicza w Olsztynie
ul. Główna 48
05-500 Piaseczno
Accepted for print: 28.04.2009