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Andrzej Strużyński, Maciej Wyrębek
Modelling of the influence of duct outflow from the pińczowski reservoir on the hydromorphological processes in the regulated part of the Nida River

The Nida River which flows in the Świętokrzyskie province was regulated on the distance from Rębów to Pińczów. The old river in Pińczów was transformed into the recreation reservoir in which, due to the low discharge, the degradation processes appear. The improvement of the state and the decreasing of the water retention in the reservoir can be reached after introducing of the additional duct directed water to the Nida River. The purpose of the paper is to describe stable bed parameters in the river as well as the duct exploitation regime supporting the stability of the Nida River sandy bottom. To describe the phenomenon the NCCHE2D simulation was performed. The results were used to describe stability of the regulated river channel and the rate of transported material during the normal exploitation or during the reservoir flush procedure.

Key words: Nida River, the Pińczów reservoir, duct, CCHE2D model, bed erosion
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For citation:

MLA Strużyński, Andrzej, and Maciej Wyrębek. "Modelowanie wpływu kanału ulgi ze zbiornika pińczowskiego na procesy hydromorfologiczne w uregulowanym odcinku rzeki Nidy." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.3 (2009): #102.
APA Andrzej Strużyński, Maciej Wyrębek (2009). Modelowanie wpływu kanału ulgi ze zbiornika pińczowskiego na procesy hydromorfologiczne w uregulowanym odcinku rzeki Nidy. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (3), #102
ISO 690 STRUżYńSKI, Andrzej, WYRęBEK, Maciej. Modelowanie wpływu kanału ulgi ze zbiornika pińczowskiego na procesy hydromorfologiczne w uregulowanym odcinku rzeki Nidy. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.3: #102.
Corresponding address:
Andrzej Strużyński
Katedra Inżynierii Wodnej
Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie
Al. Mickiewicza 24/28
30-059 Kraków
Accepted for print: 28.04.2009