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Czesław Przybyła, Michał Sosiński, Joanna Pochylska
Quality changes in groundwater on areas adjacent to the retention reservoir Jeżewo

Estimation of ground waters quality was carried out on the basis of the five indicators which decide about water quality class using a 5-degree water quality scale. The estimation of phosphates content in the groundwater indicated that in 2004, when the reservoir was filled with water, the content of phosphates decreased. However, after the year 2006, the concentration of phosphates began to grow to the 2nd and 3rd class of water purity. On the other hand, the course of nitrites concentration after the filling of the reservoir indicated a cyclical course. In winter periods, the concentration was minimal, while in summer periods, the concentration was increasing and the waters could be counted to the 5th quality class. The Jeżewo Reservoir performs the function of a setting tank of a biogenic compounds. Among others, it contributes to the decrease of the content of ammonia nitrogen and phosphates in the Pogona River below the dam and it leads toa self-purification of river waters in the reservoir.

Key words: retention reservoir, groundwater quality
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For citation:

MLA Przybyła, Czesław, et al. "Zmiany jakości wód gruntowych na terenach przyległych do zbiornika retencyjnego Jeżewo." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.3 (2009): #100.
APA Czesław Przybyła, Michał Sosiński, Joanna Pochylska (2009). Zmiany jakości wód gruntowych na terenach przyległych do zbiornika retencyjnego Jeżewo. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (3), #100
ISO 690 PRZYBYłA, Czesław, SOSIńSKI, Michał, POCHYLSKA, Joanna. Zmiany jakości wód gruntowych na terenach przyległych do zbiornika retencyjnego Jeżewo. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.3: #100.
Corresponding address:
Czesław Przybyła
Katedra Melioracji Kształtowania Środowiska i Geodezji
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Piątkowska 94 E
60-649 Poznań
Accepted for print: 10.07.2009