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Anna Kryszak, Katarzyna Deszczyków, Jan Kryszak, Agnieszka Klarzyńska
Natural and recreational values of grass communities in the Bogdanka River valley

Land diversity in the Bogdanka River valley resulted in the development of considerable mosaic nature of sites, including plant communities (also grass communities) characterised by rich natural values. This makes it possible to utilize the areas situated along the Bogdanka River valley for recreational purposes by citizens of Poznań and its surroundings. The aim of the performed investigations was to assess natural values of meadow communities in the context of possibilities of recreational and educational utilization. Floristic and phytosociological investigations of grass communities were conducted in 2006 in four representative research areas. Natural values of the identified communities were assessed on the basis of: the number of species (total and in the phytosociological releves), Shannon-Wiener diversity index and natural valorisation index according to Oświt. On the other hand, recreational-educational usefulness of the examined area and the occurred communities was evaluated on the basis of, among others, the analysis of species composition, and occurrence of species of rare and endangered communities. Each of the analysed sections of the valley is characterised by a certain site and floristic specificity. The natural value of this area (the Bogdanka River valley) is strongly affected by the occurrence of 249 plant species, including plants rare in the region of Wielkopolska (or even in Poland), as well as considerable floristic wealth and diversity of meadow communities.

Key words: meadows communities, floristic diversity, site, natural and recreational value
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For citation:

MLA Kryszak, Anna, et al. "Walory przyrodnicze i rekreacyjne zbiorowisk trawiastych doliny Bogdanki." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.1 (2009): #1.
APA Anna Kryszak, Katarzyna Deszczyków, Jan Kryszak, Agnieszka Klarzyńska (2009). Walory przyrodnicze i rekreacyjne zbiorowisk trawiastych doliny Bogdanki. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (1), #1
ISO 690 KRYSZAK, Anna, et al. Walory przyrodnicze i rekreacyjne zbiorowisk trawiastych doliny Bogdanki. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.1: #1.
Corresponding address:
Anna Kryszak
Anna Kryszak
Katedra Łąkarstwa
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 38/42
60-627 Poznań
Accepted for print: 13.10.2008