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Stanisława Korszun, Anna Stachowiak
The park at Lipnica – as supplement of agritouristic activity

The landscape park at Lipnica is located in commune Szamotuły. It was established in second half of XVIII century and its area takes 11.07 ha. In 2005-2006 a detailed review of woody plants was carried out, which permitted to name species of trees and shrubs. Analysis of membership of species to geographical territories showed, that almost 80 % from main number of trees and shrubs are native or European plants. Main species structures of the park are: Acer platanoides, Robinia pseudoacacia, Fraxinus excelsior, Carpinus betulus, Tilia cordata, Aesculus hippocastanum. Only 1.7% of trees are over 120 years old, all the rest of species about 40. 34 species were qualified as reaching monument dimensions. There were mentioned only a few species having such circumferences: Quercus robur – 597, 503, 280 cm, Tilia cordata – 464, 303, 301 cm, Tilia platyphyllos – 350 cm, Ulmus laevis – 367, 280, 200 cm, Fraxinus excelsior – 316, 331, 241, 236, 226 cm. Main structure of the park did not change very much, despite of some conversions, it preserved old composition and landscape style.

Key words: Lipnica, landscape park, stocktaking of trees and shrubs
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For citation:

MLA Korszun, Stanisława, and Anna Stachowiak. "Park w Lipnicy uzupełnieniem działalności agroturystycznej." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.1 (2009): #7.
APA Stanisława Korszun, Anna Stachowiak (2009). Park w Lipnicy uzupełnieniem działalności agroturystycznej. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (1), #7
ISO 690 KORSZUN, Stanisława, STACHOWIAK, Anna. Park w Lipnicy uzupełnieniem działalności agroturystycznej. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.1: #7.
Corresponding address:
Stanisława Korszun
Stanisława Korszun
Katedra Dendrologii i Szkółkarstwa
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Szamotulska 28
62-081 Przeźmierowo
Accepted for print: 24.10.2008