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Marta Skiba
River – leisure space with city view. The aspect of spatial composition in towns on the Odra river in Lubuskie region

Rivers and lakes have always been seen as an ornament for both a natural, and artificial landscape. Today, when the ecology plays an important role, we need to preserve lakes and rivers. This duty should inspire a popular movement among the young people, but not only. Unfortunately, the beauty of rivers is very often marginalized in a discussion over their utilization character. But year by year the meaning of tourist activities becomes an important factor. What is more, a river in a city can become a tourist attraction, only when its beauty can be admired, and this is possible when its surrounding is properly maintained. A city landscape was shaped through centuries and thus sends an important visual information, which is absorbed by city dwellers and visitors. Unquestionably, the value of landscape’s layout plays an important role in its evaluation. It is linked to the semantic and spatial orderliness, but also affects the way it is identified and also impact it marks on the identity of place. It is also a visible sign of prestige.

Key words: landscape, composition, tourism
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For citation:

MLA Skiba, Marta. "Rzeka – przestrzeń wypoczynkowa z widokiem na miasto. Aspekt kompozycyjny lubuskich miast nadodrzańskich." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3.1 (2009): #38.
APA Marta Skiba (2009). Rzeka – przestrzeń wypoczynkowa z widokiem na miasto. Aspekt kompozycyjny lubuskich miast nadodrzańskich. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 3 (1), #38
ISO 690 SKIBA, Marta. Rzeka – przestrzeń wypoczynkowa z widokiem na miasto. Aspekt kompozycyjny lubuskich miast nadodrzańskich. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2009, 3.1: #38.
Corresponding address:
Marta Skiba
Marta Skiba
Instytut Budownictwa
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
ul. Szafrana 1
65-516 Zielona Góra
Accepted for print: 14.11.2008