The role of natural and landscape values of Lublin rivers in recreation
Summary. The spatial arrangement of Lublin was conditioned to a large extent by three rivers: Bystrzyca, Czechówka and Czerniejówka. The frequent development of their valleys with service facilities with a simultaneous loss of potential recreation areas and landscape values is a worrying process. The lack of attractiveness conditioning solutions is also noticeable. Only a partial usage of the lands’ potential prevents an efficient management of the town’s recreation system. In the article, on the basis of the research conducted in the rivers’ valleys, naturally valuable and recreation areas were indicated. Moreover, the areas which environmental values were lost due to bad improper management were also specified. The conclusions formulated on the basis of the research concern the future development of the river areas of Lublin in context of their recreation potential.
Key words: the culture landscape, the valorization, the recreation and rest in the city
For citation:
MLA | Adamiec, Paweł. "Wykorzystanie walorów przyrodniczo-krajobrazowych dolin rzecznych Lublina w rekreacji." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2.4 (2008): #47. |
APA | Paweł Adamiec (2008). Wykorzystanie walorów przyrodniczo-krajobrazowych dolin rzecznych Lublina w rekreacji. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2 (4), #47 |
ISO 690 | ADAMIEC, Paweł. Wykorzystanie walorów przyrodniczo-krajobrazowych dolin rzecznych Lublina w rekreacji. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2008, 2.4: #47. |
Corresponding address:
Paweł Adamiec
Paweł Adamiec,
Katedra Kształtowania Krajobrazu,
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II,
ul. Konstantynów 1 H,
20-950 Lublin
Paweł Adamiec
Paweł Adamiec,
Katedra Kształtowania Krajobrazu,
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II,
ul. Konstantynów 1 H,
20-950 Lublin
Accepted for print: 7.10.2008