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Gabriela Klause
Rivers in Poznań – advantages for recreation and tourism or problems?
Summary. Extensive valley of the Warta river, covering a number of the river’s tributaries, which divides the city of Poznań into two parts is of unique value for the city itself. In the past the river performed important “life-giving” role but it was also an obstacle that was difficult to overcome and the cause of frequent floods. The post-war reality imposed a new role upon the rivers in Poznan. At the end of 1960s the Warta river was reduced to a stream with its river bed and banks laid with concrete, at the same time the development leading down to the river along its municipal section was disposed of. Thoughtless filling up of the scenic curve of the river impoverished the historic part of the city and started the deterioration process of the river-side areas. In recent years a number of spontaneous, rank-and-file initiatives and plans have been proposed and drafted in an attempt to revitalise the place. The 2005 Municipal Revitalisation Plan sees the issues of the Warta and the Cybina rivers as the key elements of the revitalisation plan in the eight river-side areas covered by the plan. The areas are a potential for the development of recreation and tourism centres which shall link the right and left bank parts of the city rather than separate them.
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For citation:

MLA Klause, Gabriela. "Rzeki w Poznaniu – rekreacyjny i turystyczny atut czy kłopot?." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2.4 (2008): #44.
APA Gabriela Klause (2008). Rzeki w Poznaniu – rekreacyjny i turystyczny atut czy kłopot?. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2 (4), #44
ISO 690 KLAUSE, Gabriela. Rzeki w Poznaniu – rekreacyjny i turystyczny atut czy kłopot?. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2008, 2.4: #44.
Corresponding address:
Gabriela Klause
Gabriela Klause
Katedra Terenów Zieleni
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Dąbrowskiego 159
60-594 Poznań
Accepted for print: 2.10.2008