Narrow-gauge railway in tourism and recreation
Summary. Narrow-gauge railway in tourism and recreation may play a significant role. Many factors support the point as well. Such railway is of historical interest and crucial for the development of industry in the areas of their appearance. In most cases the railway is incorporated into the landscape and less frequently into cultural background. From the point of view of usefulness in tourism and recreation the estimation and analysis of the landscape proves adventurous. The railway sets strong axis along the rails. Yet for the landscape and tourism the axis perpendicular to the rail is of value. They are the matter of the landscape and characterise structure of particular regions. The perception of the landscape depends not only on the way the railway incorporated in the space but also on the way the engine sets in motion the whole landscape. These dependences decide whether the perception of the landscape for the potential observer is of advantage.
Key words: narrow-gauge railway, Nałęczów
For citation:
MLA | Iwanek, Marcin. "Kolej wąskotorowa w turystyce i rekreacji." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2.4 (2008): #41. |
APA | Marcin Iwanek (2008). Kolej wąskotorowa w turystyce i rekreacji. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2 (4), #41 |
ISO 690 | IWANEK, Marcin. Kolej wąskotorowa w turystyce i rekreacji. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2008, 2.4: #41. |
Corresponding address:
Marcin Iwanek
Marcin Iwanek
Instytut Roślin Ozdobnych i Architektury Krajobrazu
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
ul. Nowodworska 18 A/4
21-100 Lubartów
Marcin Iwanek
Marcin Iwanek
Instytut Roślin Ozdobnych i Architektury Krajobrazu
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
ul. Nowodworska 18 A/4
21-100 Lubartów
Accepted for print: 2.10.2008