Evaluation of raw material for mustard production in middle-east Poland conditions
Summary. Physical and chemical analyses were carried out in mustard samples collected from the field experiment in 1995-1997 in the middle-eastern Poland on weak loamy sand soil. The experimental factors were two mustard cultivars: ‘Nakielska’ and ‘Małopolska’. The following features were determined: moisture – by method of drying, oil content – by means of Soxlet, content of insoluble in 10% HCl ash – by means of weight, acidic number of fat – by means of titration, Lea number – by means of titration in the seed after oil was partly removed. These features of mustard flour quality (except acidic number) appeared to be right with PN-A-
-86964:2002. Most of features depended on cultivars. ‘Nakielska’ cultivar (white mustard) appeared to be more stable, in respect of water content, acidic number and Lea number, than ‘Małopolska’ (Indian mustard). Higher rainfalls during study years led to high content of free fatty acids and peroxides. Thus mustard seeds should be dried, or quickly directed for production after harvesting to avoid decreasing of fat quality.
Key words: white mustard, Indian mustard, chemical composition, cultivars

For citation:
MLA | Sawicka, Barbara, and Ewa Kotiuk. "Evaluation of raw material for mustard production in middle-east Poland conditions." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2.1 (2008): #6. |
APA | Barbara Sawicka, Ewa Kotiuk (2008). Evaluation of raw material for mustard production in middle-east Poland conditions. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2 (1), #6 |
ISO 690 | SAWICKA, Barbara, KOTIUK, Ewa. Evaluation of raw material for mustard production in middle-east Poland conditions. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2008, 2.1: #6. |
Corresponding address:
Barbara Sawicka
Barbara Sawicka
Pracownia Towaroznawstwa Produktów Roślinnych
Akademia Rolnicza
ul.Akademicka 15
20-950 Lublin
e-mail: barbara.sawicka@ar.lublin.pl
Barbara Sawicka
Barbara Sawicka
Pracownia Towaroznawstwa Produktów Roślinnych
Akademia Rolnicza
ul.Akademicka 15
20-950 Lublin
e-mail: barbara.sawicka@ar.lublin.pl
Accepted for print: 12.02.2008