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Anna Górka
The tourist’s experience. The rural landscape in the term of change
Summary. While the agriculture backs out of the rural area, the tourist industry intensifies its expansion and becomes the important source of the inhabitants’ income. The new methods of the rural tourism lead to the quick commercialisation of the rural culture. The increase of the tourists’ number is connected with the institutionalisation of land use. The private control excludes others from landscapes’ utilisation. It causes the lack of the individual’s participation in the culture. Consequently the culture impoverishes. The tourist’s glimpse, found as the most prevalent way of the world’s viewing, is the metaphor of the human isolation of the territorial community. The indirect tourist perception of the rural landscape consists “paths” of sightseeing, which are predetermined by a scenario, and seasonal events. The landscape’s staging and commercialisation destroy the authenticity of the tourist experience. To charge the inhabitants with the landscape guides’ and administrators’ roles could be good chance of the cultural landscape’s preservation.
Key words: tourism, landscape, culture, country, commercialization
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For citation:

MLA Górka, Anna. "Doświadczenie turysty. Krajobraz wiejski w warunkach zmiany." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2.4 (2008): #39.
APA Anna Górka (2008). Doświadczenie turysty. Krajobraz wiejski w warunkach zmiany. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2 (4), #39
ISO 690 GóRKA, Anna. Doświadczenie turysty. Krajobraz wiejski w warunkach zmiany. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2008, 2.4: #39.
Corresponding address:
Anna Górka
Anna Górka
Katedra Projektowania Środowiskowego
Politechnika Gdańska
ul. Narutowicza 11/12
80-952 Gdynia
Accepted for print: 2.10.2008