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Zuzanna Borcz, Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak
Historical urban systems as a tourist value of small towns and villages of Lower Silesia
Summary. Most of small towns and villages of Lower Silesia which formerly had civic rights were founded in 13-th century, some of them have preserved up to our times monumental old buildings and even whole urban systems. Such localities have a centrally situated market place, usually square- or oval-shaped with compact frontages of small houses. The town hall is localized in the middle of the market place. In the town one or two churches are to be found, their steeples overlooking the landscape. The fact that local communities often do not understand the role of their historical urban system and are not able to make use of them as a tourist value, is today of a great importance. These localities almost always lack a suitable infrastructure, hotels, restaurants, tourist information centres etc. Only in a few cases the social community of a given locality is aware of the fact that an old market place, narrow streets and some trees form a character of a small town and are its true tourist value.
Key words: Lower Silesia, small towns, villages, urban systems, tourist value
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For citation:

MLA Borcz, Zuzanna, and Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak. "Zabytkowe układy urbanistyczne walorem turystycznym małych miast i wsi dolnośląskich." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2.4 (2008): #30.
APA Zuzanna Borcz, Irena Niedźwiecka-Filipiak (2008). Zabytkowe układy urbanistyczne walorem turystycznym małych miast i wsi dolnośląskich. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2 (4), #30
ISO 690 BORCZ, Zuzanna, NIEDźWIECKA-FILIPIAK, Irena. Zabytkowe układy urbanistyczne walorem turystycznym małych miast i wsi dolnośląskich. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2008, 2.4: #30.
Corresponding address:
Zuzanna Borcz
Zuzanna Borcz
Instytut Architektury Krajobrazu
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
pl. Grunwaldzki 24 A
50-363 Wrocław
Accepted for print: 29.09.2008