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Krzysztof Młynarczyk
Nature-related conditions for active tourism promotion
Summary. The current trends in the development of tourism rely on an increasing interest in lands characterised by high natural values. The natural assets of regions and areas chosen as tourist destinations, next to the infrastructure they offer, shape the tourist value of a given area. Plant cover and forests in particular are an important part of such natural values. An area which is viewed as highly attractive will draw larger numbers of tourists. This in turn will stimulate construction of new buildings and increased penetration of the area. However, the tolerance of plant assemblages to such forms of land use is limited and largely varied. Thus, it seems important, in the context of promoting tourism, to be able to determine the nature’s capacity to cope with a flow of tourists. Proper combination of the aspects related to nature with the economic and social effects should form a basis for the sustainable development of tourist areas.
Key words: natural environment, active tourism, forms of influence, Warmia and Mazury
PDFFull text available in Polish in Adobe Acrobat format:

For citation:

MLA Młynarczyk, Krzysztof. "Przyrodnicze uwarunkowania animacji turystyki aktywnej." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2.4 (2008): #28.
APA Krzysztof Młynarczyk (2008). Przyrodnicze uwarunkowania animacji turystyki aktywnej. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2 (4), #28
ISO 690 MłYNARCZYK, Krzysztof. Przyrodnicze uwarunkowania animacji turystyki aktywnej. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2008, 2.4: #28.
Corresponding address:
Krzysztof Młynarczyk
Krzysztof Młynarczyk
Katedra Architektury Krajobrazu i Agroturystyki
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
ul. Prawocheńskiego 17
10-720 Olsztyn

e-mail: kfm@uwm.
Accepted for print: 26.09.2008