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Maria Chojnacka
Conditions for the reconstruction of the park in Lednogóra (the Łubowo commune)
Summary. The park in Lednogóra, located on the shore of the Lake Lednica and having a rich tree stand, constituting a remarkable accent in the agricultural landscape in the Lednica Landscape Park, has been undergoing gradual degradation. Its design, clearly visible on site and confirmed by documents, has been slowly disappearing. In 1900 a church was built in the park, which destroyed the original composition of the design. Considerable losses in the park stand, considered to be a former German property, were caused after 1945 when installations were lain through the park. Further systematic degradation of the park design resulted from the intensive use of this small object, combining several functions: housing, service, sports and leisure, and sacral. In recent years several old trees, key elements of the composition, have been removed. After a detailed survey inventorying plantings and an analysis of archive materials a project was proposed to reconstruct the park respecting historic remnants and taking into consideration contemporary conditions. Its realization will contribute to the preservation of this valuable component of the cultural landscape of the Lednica Landscape Park.
Key words: landscape park, avenue, hornbeam avenue, Lednogóra
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For citation:

MLA Chojnacka, Maria. "Uwarunkowania rewaloryzacji parku w Lednogórze (gmina Łubowo)." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2.3 (2008): #16.
APA Maria Chojnacka (2008). Uwarunkowania rewaloryzacji parku w Lednogórze (gmina Łubowo). Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2 (3), #16
ISO 690 CHOJNACKA, Maria. Uwarunkowania rewaloryzacji parku w Lednogórze (gmina Łubowo). Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2008, 2.3: #16.
Corresponding address:
Maria Chojnacka
Katedra Terenów Zieleni
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Dąbrowskiego 159
60-594 Poznań

Accepted for print: 3.07.2008