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Jolanta Komisarek, Sławomir Szałata
Textural differentiation in pedons of albeluvisols in the Wielkopolska Region
Summary. Albeluving tonguing and the glossic horizons were taken as one diagnostic criterion for classification of Albeluvisols. Two hypotheses were considered to explain the formation of albeluvic tongues: 1) tongues are formed by physical movement of material from eluvial horizons into cavities within the soil, and 2) clay-size material is removed by percolating water from the upper limits of the argillic horizon and from more permeable tongue zones within it. The data presented above supported two hypotheses. Among all three stages distinguished on Vistulian deglaciation area Albeluvisols have similar morphology of glossic horizons, despite the fact that the sediment’s age between Leszno Phase and Krajenka Phase differs about three thousand years. The particle size distribution of albeluvic tonguing isolated from glossic horizon was close to eluvial horizon. Primarily fine clay fractions were removed from albeluvic materials. Obtained data from particle size distribution and factors of soil texture in particular analysed soil profiles indicated that soil size distribution of eluvial, glossic and illuvial horizons of Albeluvisols were formed by lessivage process. Homogeneity of particle size distribution observed in fraction larger than 0.2 mm in analysed soil profiles indicates that growing of albeluvic tonguing into argillic horizon is a consequence of leaching clay fraction from peds surface.
Key words: Albeluvisols, glossic horizon, textural differentiation, lessivage process
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For citation:

MLA Komisarek, Jolanta, and Sławomir Szałata. "Zróżnicowanie uziarnienia w profilach gleb płowych zaciekowych z obszaru Wielkopolski." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2.2 (2008): #10.
APA Jolanta Komisarek, Sławomir Szałata (2008). Zróżnicowanie uziarnienia w profilach gleb płowych zaciekowych z obszaru Wielkopolski. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 2 (2), #10
ISO 690 KOMISAREK, Jolanta, SZAłATA, Sławomir. Zróżnicowanie uziarnienia w profilach gleb płowych zaciekowych z obszaru Wielkopolski. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2008, 2.2: #10.
Corresponding address:
Jolanta Komisarek
Katedra Gleboznawstwa i Rekultywacji
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Piątkowska 94 E
60-649 Poznań, Poland
Accepted for print: 14.04.2008