The term ‘anthropocene’ refers to the time from the middle of the 20th century until nowadays; it was created to highlight the dominant human influence on the Earth and its citizens. Limitation of harmful diseases (vaccinations) and hunger has caused an incredible increase in human population (about 8 billion people live on the planet now). To meet the needs of the people, plants and animals are bred on massive scale. The cultivations and associated investments (the increase of industrialisation), demand huge amounts of the energy, whose natural sources are mainly fossil fuels. Shrinking of natural fuel resources has prompted people to search for alternative, renewable sources of energy, such as water, wind, sun, or biomass fuel, but using the latter ones also causes the disruption of environmental functioning. In turn, nuclear energy has both many advocates and opponents (main problem is nuclear waste storage). To reduce the negative human influence on the planet’s condition, changes in diets, dependent on climate, are proposed. The main recommendation is to eat less animal and more plant components.
MLA | Grzybkowska, Maria, and Joanna Leszczyńska. "Jak żyć w antropocenie bez szkody dla siebie i planety Ziemia?." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 13.2 (2019): #9. |
APA | Maria Grzybkowska, Joanna Leszczyńska (2019). Jak żyć w antropocenie bez szkody dla siebie i planety Ziemia?. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 13 (2), #9 |
ISO 690 | GRZYBKOWSKA, Maria, LESZCZYńSKA, Joanna. Jak żyć w antropocenie bez szkody dla siebie i planety Ziemia?. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2019, 13.2: #9. |
Maria Grzybkowska
Katedra Ekologii i Zoologii Kręgowców
Uniwersytet Łódzki
ul. Banacha 12/16
90-237 Łódź