Small balsam Impatiens parviflora DC. is a highly invasive species that poses a threat to the ecological diversity of many plant communities. Knowing the population of this species makes it possible to take further action related to the protection of these units, including an assessment of the risks posed to the ecosystem and its minimalization. The tendency to spread out and colonize new territories is inherent to the strategy of the life of every organism. So far, it has been found that the penetration of invasive species affects the biodiversity of natural habitats.
Habitats potentially threatened by invasion of small balsam are both areas with a natural, semi-natural as well as synanthropic habitats, from fresh by moist to wet forests, edges of deciduous and mixed forests, coniferous forests, coastal zones, marshes, rocky mountain slopes, moist shady spots, forests economic, tree plantations, orchards, roadsides and along railway tracks in urban and suburban gardens and parks. Small balsam infestation is observed in both the perturbed communities as well as communities of a natural character.
The objective is to establish permanent plots to test the hypothesis that the occurrence of the small balsam, influences the floristic structure of the herb layer. And if there is any negative correlation between the richness of species and the population density of the Impatiens parviflora in the cover of the herb layer.
Three circular plots were set up in the Wielkopolski National Park. Every area is divided into three parts, with a total radius of 10 meters. Wherein the first radius is 2 meters from the center, the second and third with a radius of 4 meters each. Plot no. 1 is located in a 13c forest section, on a decideous mixed fresh forest habitat with pine trees, similar to the natural state. Plot no. 2 is located in a 91Ca forest section on a decideous fresh forest habitat in a deformed aok-hornbean forest. Plot no. 3 is located in a 88c forest section in the natural forest habitat with oak trees in an oak-hornbean forest .
MLA | Chmielewski, Wojciech, et al. "Powierzchnie stałe do badań populacji niecierpka drobnokwiatowego Impatiens Parviflora DC. w zbiorowiskach leśnych Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego, założenia ogólne i lokalizacja." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 12.4 (2018): #26. |
APA | Wojciech Chmielewski1, Jakub Löffler 2, Wojciech Szwed1 (2018). Powierzchnie stałe do badań populacji niecierpka drobnokwiatowego Impatiens Parviflora DC. w zbiorowiskach leśnych Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego, założenia ogólne i lokalizacja. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 12 (4), #26 |
ISO 690 | CHMIELEWSKI, Wojciech, , Jakub Löffler, SZWED, Wojciech. Powierzchnie stałe do badań populacji niecierpka drobnokwiatowego Impatiens Parviflora DC. w zbiorowiskach leśnych Wielkopolskiego Parku Narodowego, założenia ogólne i lokalizacja. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2018, 12.4: #26. |
Wojciech Chmielewski
Katedra Botaniki Leśnej
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 71 D
60-625 Poznań