Background. The withdrawal of synthetic auxin-based preparations stimulating the rooting of cuttings causes the need to look for new preparations, preferably based on natural components.
Material and methods. The experiment compared the effect of two previously used synthetic powders (Ukorzeniacz AB Aqua and Rhizopon AA) and four new preparations: Black Jak, Bispeed, Goteo and Maxi Grow Excel, which were sprayed onto leaves. The stem cuttings of two varieties of gymnosperm species: Thuja 'Smaragd and Thujopsis dolabrata ' Variegata' were treated with foliar sprays. The effects of these preparations were compared on the basis of the percentage of rooted cuttings, their fresh weight, the number and length of roots and the degree of the rooting of cuttings.
Results. All the preparations improved the percentage and degree of rooting of the cuttings. The foliar application of Bispeed, Maxi Grow Excel and Black Jak resulted in the best and highest percentage of rooting of the cuttings. The Thuja 'Smaragd' cuttings were better rooted at lower concentrations of the Bispeed and Goteo preparations, whereas the Thujopsis dolabrata ‘Variegata’ cuttings were better rooted at higher concentrations. The Maxi Grow Excel gave better results when it was applied to both varieties at higher concentrations. The effect of the Black Jak was ambiguous. The synthetic Rhizopon AA agent resulted in a higher percentage of rooted cuttings than the Ukorzeniacz AB Aqua. The degree of the rooting of the cuttings was characterised by reverse dependence. The cuttings which were not treated with any preparation were characterised by the lowest percentage of rooting and the poorest quality.
Conclusions. All the preparations had positive effect on the development of the root system of the cuttings of both cultivars. There were concentration-dependent differences in the effect of individual preparations on the two species under study. In most of the combinations higher concentrations of the preparations resulted in better rooting of the cuttings.
MLA | Malinowska, Agnieszka, et al. "Wpływ wybranych preparatów stosowanych dolistnie na ukorzenianie sadzonek pędowych dwóch odmian gatunków nagozalążkowych." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 12.3 (2018): #22. |
APA | Agnieszka Malinowska, Magdalena Urbaniak, Sławomir Świerczyński (2018). Wpływ wybranych preparatów stosowanych dolistnie na ukorzenianie sadzonek pędowych dwóch odmian gatunków nagozalążkowych. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 12 (3), #22 |
ISO 690 | MALINOWSKA, Agnieszka, URBANIAK, Magdalena, ŚWIERCZYńSKI, Sławomir. Wpływ wybranych preparatów stosowanych dolistnie na ukorzenianie sadzonek pędowych dwóch odmian gatunków nagozalążkowych. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2018, 12.3: #22. |
Agnieszka Malinowska
Katedra Dendrologii
Sadownictwa i Szkółkarstwa
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Dąbrowskiego 159