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2018 volume 12 issue 3 #21 , DOI: 10.17306/J.NPT.2018.3.21
Emilia Janiszewska-Turak, Justyna Fronia, Jolanta B. Królczyk
Analysis of the market of colouring agents in food products for children

Background. The aim of the study was to analyse colouring agents in food products for children over 3 years of age. Lists of ingredients on labels of food products for children were analysed, with special focus on the type and number of food dyes declared.

Materials and methods. The study compiled information about colouring agents on labels of 133 foodstuffs for children over 3 years of age. The products were divided into four categories: dairy products (40 products), confectionery, bakery and other products (58), cereals products (10) and drinks (25). The products were purchased in 7 grocery chain stores in Opole.

Results. The analysis showed that 109 (82%) products contained colouring agents. There was one colouring agent in 48 foodstuffs (36.1%), two or more colouring agents in 61 products (45.9%). There were 23 different colouring agents found in confectionery and bakery products. The most common colouring agents declared in the products were: carotenes, carmine, curcumin and copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins. Carotenes were declared in 45 products (33.8%), carmine or carminic acid – in 41 products (30.8%), curcumin – in 36 products (27.1%), copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins – in 29 products (22.8%). On average, there were almost two (1.9) food colouring agents in one product, regardless of the group. The fewest colouring agents were declared in cereal products.

Conclusions. There was a large number of different types of colouring agents in foods for the youngest consumers. The most colouring agents were declared in confectionery, bakery and other products (3.33 colouring agents per product). Dairy products were the second largest group with a high number of colouring agents (1.3 colouring agents per product).

Key words: food pigments, food additives, EFSA, children, food for children
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For citation:

MLA Janiszewska-Turak, Emilia, et al. "Analiza stosowania barwników spożywczych w produkcji wyrobów przeznaczonych dla dzieci." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 12.3 (2018): #21.
APA Emilia Janiszewska-Turak1, Justyna Fronia2, Jolanta B. Królczyk2 (2018). Analiza stosowania barwników spożywczych w produkcji wyrobów przeznaczonych dla dzieci. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 12 (3), #21
ISO 690 JANISZEWSKA-TURAK, Emilia, FRONIA, Justyna, KRóLCZYK, Jolanta B.. Analiza stosowania barwników spożywczych w produkcji wyrobów przeznaczonych dla dzieci. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2018, 12.3: #21.
Corresponding address:
Emilia Janiszewska-Turak
Katedra Inżynierii Żywności i Organizacji Produkcji
Wydział Nauk o Żywności
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
ul. Nowoursynowska 159C
02-776 Warszawa

Accepted for print: 30.11.-0001