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2017 volume 11 issue 2 #15 , DOI: 10.17306/J.NPT.2017.2.15
Tomasz Dudek
A study on Subcarpathian Voivodeship inhabitants’ preferences concerning leisure time in forests

Background. This paper presents the results of a questionnaire survey on Subcarpathian Voivodeship inhabitants’ preferences concerning leisure time in forests.

Material and methods. The respondents answered questions concerning the distribution of their visits to the forest, the most often visited parts of forests, preferable leisure types as well as factors adversely affecting their visits to forests.

Results. The results show that Subcarpathian Voivodeship inhabitants most often go to forests at weekends (43% of the respondents) and they prefer tree stands located deep inside forest complexes (36% of the respondents). Their favourite leisure activities are mushroom picking and walking – 58% and 54% of the respondents, respectively. The most annoying factors during visits to forests are the presence of mosquitoes and ticks (66% of the respondents) and garbage (62%).

Conclusions. Recreation-oriented forest management should be based on the preferences of the inhabitants of a given region. This will help forest managers improve the protection of the forest environment and control the leisure traffic.

Key words: forest recreation, tourism, forest use, questionnaire survey, Subcarpathian Voivodeship
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For citation:

MLA Dudek, Tomasz. "Badanie preferencji mieszkańców województwa podkarpackiego dotyczących wypoczynku w lasach." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 11.2 (2017): #15.
APA Tomasz Dudek (2017). Badanie preferencji mieszkańców województwa podkarpackiego dotyczących wypoczynku w lasach. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 11 (2), #15
ISO 690 DUDEK, Tomasz. Badanie preferencji mieszkańców województwa podkarpackiego dotyczących wypoczynku w lasach. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2017, 11.2: #15.
Corresponding address:
Tomasz Dudek
Katedra Agroekologii
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
ul. Ćwiklińskiej 1
35-601 Rzeszów
Accepted for print: 6.06.2017