Background. Increasing consumption of energy drinks (ED), especially by university students, may negatively affect the quality of sleep of this population and it involves a number of health risks. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the frequency of ED consumption by university students and the quality of their sleep.
Material and methods. During the examination session in June 2014 research was conducted on 186 full-time students, aged 19–29 years, from different faculties and departments of Poznań universities. The respondents were classified into three groups: those who did not consume ED at all (72 people), occasional ED consumers, i.e. drinking less frequently than once a week (76 people), and frequent ED consumers, i.e. drinking once a week (22 people) or several times a week (16 people). The quality of the students’ sleep was assessed according to declared duration of their daily sleep, daytime naps, sleeping and wakefulness problems, self-awakening, self-assessment of overall sleep quality and general well-being.
Results. Over 60% of the students declared ED consumption. More than 20% consumed ED at least once a week. The research did not prove any statistically significant relations between the frequency of ED consumption and the sleep quality parameters under study. However, there was a significant relation between ED consumption and the overall assessment of well-being.
Conclusions. Most of the students consumed ED. ED consumption was not significantly related with the quality of sleep, but it was related with the students’ lower rates of their overall well-being.
MLA | Anioła, Jacek, et al. "Stosowanie napojów energetyzujących a jakość snu poznańskiej młodzieży akademickiej – badania pilotażowe." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 11.4 (2017): #38. |
APA | Jacek Anioła, Jolanta Czarnocińska, Grzegorz Galiński (2017). Stosowanie napojów energetyzujących a jakość snu poznańskiej młodzieży akademickiej – badania pilotażowe. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 11 (4), #38 |
ISO 690 | ANIOłA, Jacek, CZARNOCIńSKA, Jolanta, GALIńSKI, Grzegorz. Stosowanie napojów energetyzujących a jakość snu poznańskiej młodzieży akademickiej – badania pilotażowe. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2017, 11.4: #38. |
Jacek Anioła
Instytut Żywienia Człowieka i Dietetyki
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 31/33
60-624 Poznań