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2017 volume 11 issue 2 #20 , DOI: 10.17306/J.NPT.2017.2.20
Dorota Grabek-Lejko, Maciej Kluz
Lactic acid bacteria and their metabolites – potential biopreservatives in fish and seafood

There is growing demand for unprocessed or minimally processed food products without chem­ical preservatives. This tendency can also be observed in seafood. Therefore, traditional methods of preservation are being replaced by modern ones, e.g. biopreservation. Biopreservation is the use of non-pathogenic microorganisms and/or their metabolites to improve microbiological safety and extend the shelf life of foods. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and products of their metabolism, such as bacteriocins, organic acids, hydrogen peroxide, diacetyl and carbon dioxide can be successfully used as biopreservatives. LAB inhibit the growth of pathogenic and food-spoiling bac­teria, keep food fresh and extend its shelf life. About 20 years ago research began on the use of bacteria in non-fermented products such as fish and seafood, where sensory changes and nutrient modifications cannot occur. This article describes the latest reports on the use of these substances to preserve fish and fishery products, especially to provide protection from pathogenic bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. Moreover, the article presents methods of dosage into foods and synergistic combinations with other methods of food preservation.

Key words: biopreservation, protective cultures, bacteriocins, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), fish products, seafood
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For citation:

MLA Grabek-Lejko, Dorota, and Maciej Kluz. "Bakterie fermentacji mlekowej i ich metabolity – możliwość zastosowania w biokonserwacji ryb i owoców morza." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 11.2 (2017): #20.
APA Dorota Grabek-Lejko, Maciej Kluz (2017). Bakterie fermentacji mlekowej i ich metabolity – możliwość zastosowania w biokonserwacji ryb i owoców morza. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 11 (2), #20
ISO 690 GRABEK-LEJKO, Dorota, KLUZ, Maciej. Bakterie fermentacji mlekowej i ich metabolity – możliwość zastosowania w biokonserwacji ryb i owoców morza. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2017, 11.2: #20.
Corresponding address:
Dorota Grabek-Lejko
Katedra Biotechnologii i Mikrobiologii
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
ul. Zelwerowicza 4
35-959 Rzeszów
Accepted for print: 30.06.2017