A total of 426 trees of 61 taxa and 31 genera were inventoried in the park-arboretum in Gołuchów, of which 290 are trees of natural monument circumferences and 136 have circumferences close to the natural monument requirements. Alien species (62.3%) predominate over native species (37.7%). Species originating from North America and Asia are most numerous. Thuja plicata and Quercus robur predominate among trees of natural monument circumferences, while Quercus robur, Alnus glutinosa and Acer platanoides are most numerous among trees with circumferences close to the natural monument requirements. The most valuable trees typically have circumferences of 201 to 300 cm and range from 21 to 30 m in height. The thickest tree is Populus ×canadensis ‘Marilandica’ of 570 cm in circumference. In most cases (over 70%) the health condition of inventoried plants is very good. A total of 204 trees with natural monument circumferences and a very good health condition were selected, of which some may be proposed as candidates for protection as natural monuments.

MLA | Wrońska-Pilarek, Dorota, et al. "The most valuable trees of the park-arboretum of the Forest Culture Centre in Gołuchów." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 10.4 (2016): #40. https://doi.org/10.17306/J.NPT.2016.4.40 |
APA | Dorota Wrońska-Pilarek1, Tomasz Maliński1, Zenon Pilarek2, Andrzej Czerniak3, Zbigniew Cykowiak4, Rafał Mizerkiewicz1 (2016). The most valuable trees of the park-arboretum of the Forest Culture Centre in Gołuchów. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 10 (4), #40 https://doi.org/10.17306/J.NPT.2016.4.40 |
ISO 690 | WROńSKA-PILAREK, Dorota, et al. The most valuable trees of the park-arboretum of the Forest Culture Centre in Gołuchów. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2016, 10.4: #40. https://doi.org/10.17306/J.NPT.2016.4.40 |
Dorota Wrońska-Pilarek
Katedra Botaniki Leśnej
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 71 D
60-625 Poznań
e-mail: pilarekd@up.poznan.pl