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2016 volume 10 issue 3 #35 , DOI: 10.17306/J.NPT.2016.3.35
Agnieszka Anna Pilarska, Tomasz Piechota, Magdalena Szymańska, Krzysztof Pilarski, Agnieszka Wolna-Maruwka
Evaluation of the fertilizer value of digestate pulp from biogas plant and its composts

This paper is Part 2 of the paper by the same authors (Pilarska et al., 2015) concerning the use of digestate pulps (so-called “digestates”) and their composts as organic fertilizers. In Part 2 of the experiment, in which the results are discussed in this paper, the resulting materials were used as organic fertilizers. The experiment was started in spring time, using samples of barren soil, obtained from agricultural land located in Wielkopolska. The effects of fertilization were referred to changes in the soil properties and to the dry matter yield of timothy-grass (Phleum pretense L.). The results of this study indicate a desirable effect of the use of digested and composted waste on the quality of soil. The use of raw manure resulted in a rather small increase in the crop yield of timothy-grass, relative to controls (from 12.5 to 14.0 g d.m. per pot). In turn, the use of liquid manure after fermentation, resulted in much higher crops, i.e. from 12.5 to 19.3 g d.m. per pot. The highest yields were obtained after the application of pulp fermentation with the addition of sugar beet (21.50 g d.m. per pot). However, the use of digestate glycerol and stillage, leading to reduced dry matter yields. The response of timothy-grass to fertilization with compos­ted digestate pulps was virtually identical as in the case of fresh digestate pulps.

Key words: digestate pulp and composts, digestate fertilizer value, timothy-grass, dry matter yield, soil properties
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For citation:

MLA Pilarska, Agnieszka Anna, et al. "Ocena wartości nawozowej pofermentów z biogazowni oraz wytworzonych z nich kompostów." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 10.3 (2016): #35.
APA Agnieszka Anna Pilarska1, Tomasz Piechota2, Magdalena Szymańska3, Krzysztof Pilarski4, Agnieszka Wolna-Maruwka5 (2016). Ocena wartości nawozowej pofermentów z biogazowni oraz wytworzonych z nich kompostów. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 10 (3), #35
ISO 690 PILARSKA, Agnieszka Anna, et al. Ocena wartości nawozowej pofermentów z biogazowni oraz wytworzonych z nich kompostów. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2016, 10.3: #35.
Corresponding address:
Agnieszka Anna Pilarska
Instytut Technologii Żywności Pochodzenia Roślinnego
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 31/33
60-624 Poznań
Accepted for print: 12.05.2016