The study was conducted in 2007–2011 in the fields of the Experimental Station in Złotniki belonging to the Research and Education Center Gorzyń, Poznań University of Life Sciences. Every year five one-factor experiments were established, which included a full rotation (potatoes, spring barley, winter rape, winter wheat and maize cultivation for grain). In the experiments the changes occurring in the soil under cultivation of specified species after mineral inducer process (MIP) fertilization were investigated and it was related to control objects with traditional phosphorus-potassium fertilization. Replacement of traditional phosphorus-potassium fertilization by the use of PRP SOL in crops rotation led to a significant increase of magnesium content in soil, and this increase, compared to the control object, amounted 1.1 mg·kg-1 of soil. The average content of phosphorus and potassium in the soil for the above mentioned species significantly decreased and the differences compared to control object fertilized by P and K amounted 2.0 and 2.2 mg·kg-1 of soil. The annual application of PRP SOL fertilizer caused favourable tendency of pH increase and nitrogen and humus content in the soil, but the differences compared to control object were small and amounted respectively: 0.1 pH, 44 mg·kg-1 and 0.05%. Five-year application of PRP SOL did not significantly change soil compaction measured at a depth of 10, 20 and 30 cm and, compared to the control object, a tendency to its increase was usually observed.
MLA | Sulewska, Hanna, et al. "Zmiany wybranych właściwości gleby w pięcioletnim okresie stosowania kompleksu bioaktywnych związków mineralnych (MIP)." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 10.3 (2016): #27. |
APA | Hanna Sulewska1, Grażyna Szymańska1, Alicja Niewiadomska2, Leszek Majchrzak1, Artur Sitek1, Roman Roszkiewicz1 (2016). Zmiany wybranych właściwości gleby w pięcioletnim okresie stosowania kompleksu bioaktywnych związków mineralnych (MIP). Nauka Przyr. Technol. 10 (3), #27 |
ISO 690 | SULEWSKA, Hanna, et al. Zmiany wybranych właściwości gleby w pięcioletnim okresie stosowania kompleksu bioaktywnych związków mineralnych (MIP). Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2016, 10.3: #27. |
Hanna Sulewska
Katedra Agronomii
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Dojazd 11
60-632 Poznań