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2016 volume 10 issue 3 #36 , DOI: 10.17306/J.NPT.2016.3.36
Anna Wrzodak, Marek Gajewski
Assessment of chemical composition of tomato fruits depending on the cultivar and 1-MCP treatment

The experiments on influence of 1-MCP treatment on the content of some chemical compounds in tomato fruits were performed. For the experiments two greenhouse cultivars of tomato were selected: ‘Faustine F1’ and ‘Habana F1’ (LSL type – long shelf life). Both tomato cultivars were grown on stakes in the field. Tomato fruits were harvested in mature green and full-red stages of maturity. Tomato fruit were treated with 1-MCP at the concentrations of 1.0 or 2.0 μl·l-1 and then stored at the temperature of 12.5°C or 20°C, and 85–90% of relative humidity in ambient atmosphere. Immediately after harvest and after 4 weeks of storage chemical analyses were carried out. The results showed some significant differences in the content of determined compounds depending on 1-MCP treatment, stage of maturity and storage temperature. Fruits of both cultivars showed a higher content of phenolics and dry matter in the case of fruits treated with 1-MCP. The highest content of lycopene was found in tomato fruits of both cultivars harvested in full-red stage, after storage at 20°C. Tomato fruits treated with 1-MCP were characterized by a lower content of lycopene and vitamin C compared to the untreated fruits.

Key words: tomato, 1-MCP, lycopene, phenolics, vitamin C, dry matter
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For citation:

MLA Wrzodak, Anna, and Marek Gajewski. "Ocena jakości owoców pomidorów pod względem składu chemicznego w zależności od odmiany i traktowania 1-MCP." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 10.3 (2016): #36.
APA Anna Wrzodak1, Marek Gajewski2 (2016). Ocena jakości owoców pomidorów pod względem składu chemicznego w zależności od odmiany i traktowania 1-MCP. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 10 (3), #36
ISO 690 WRZODAK, Anna, GAJEWSKI, Marek. Ocena jakości owoców pomidorów pod względem składu chemicznego w zależności od odmiany i traktowania 1-MCP. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2016, 10.3: #36.
Corresponding address:
Anna Wrzodak
Zakład Przechowalnictwa i Przetwórstwa Owoców i Warzyw
Instytut Ogrodnictwa w Skierniewicach
ul. Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3
96-100 Skierniewice
e-mail: Anna.wrzodak@
Accepted for print: 17.05.2016