The aim of the application of a PRP SOL complex of MIP bioactive compounds is to improve the soil characteristics by unblocking the potential of the nutrients in the soil and making them available to plants. This fertilizer is used for soil fertilization rather than crop nutrition. The research focused on evaluation of the yield of spring barley after the application of the PRP SOL technology in the fields of the Research and Education Center Gorzyń, at the Experimental Station in Złotniki, in 2007 to 2011. The purpose of the research was to compare the effects of spring barley fertilization technology by applying a complex of MIP bioactive compounds in the form of a PRP SOL fertilizer with the standard technology applying phospho-potassium fertilization. The five years of the research led to the conclusion that the traditional fertilization of spring barley plantations with phosphorus and potassium can be replaced with the technology applying the MIP complex without grain yield losses. However, the yield was not stable between years. In one of the five research years (2007) there was a significant increase (by 3.7 dt∙ha-1), and in another (2010) a significant decrease (by 3.2 dt∙ha-1) as a result of fertilizer use. The PRP SOL fertilizer may be particularly useful for malting barley due to the favourable increase in the share of lush grain fractions (larger than 2.5 mm) and simultaneous decrease in the share of smaller grains and due to the fact that the weight of 1 hl tends to decrease whereas the thousand grain weight tends to increase.
MLA | Sulewska, Hanna, et al. "Response of spring barley to PRP SOL application as a complex of mineral inducer process (MIP)." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 10.2 (2016): #17. |
APA | Hanna Sulewska1, Wiesław Koziara1, Grażyna Szymańska1, Alicja Niewiadomska2, Katarzyna Panasiewicz1, Karolina Ratajczak1 (2016). Response of spring barley to PRP SOL application as a complex of mineral inducer process (MIP). Nauka Przyr. Technol. 10 (2), #17 |
ISO 690 | SULEWSKA, Hanna, et al. Response of spring barley to PRP SOL application as a complex of mineral inducer process (MIP). Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2016, 10.2: #17. |
Hanna Sulewska
Katedra Agronomii
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Dojazd 11
60-632 Poznań