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Józef Zgrabczyński
Identification and the estimation of efficiency of fish passes in the Warta water region
Summary. A subject of the present article is a presentation of effects of estimations of effectiveness of working of fish ladders in the water region of the Warta River conducted in 2006. The article also provides basic information of methodology used for ratings. Over 50% from 36 of assessed objects were given the lowest estimation (bad), and only 36% received the highest estimation (good) what is providing about huge needs in the field of the modernization of these objects. Almost 14% of the objects were given average estimation (poor), one of the estimated objects is inactive.
Key words: fish passes, fish, estimation, efficiency, Warta, migratory fish
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For citation:

MLA Zgrabczyński, Józef. "Identyfikacja i ocena sprawności przepławek dla ryb w regionie wodnym Warty." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1.2 (2007): #35.
APA Józef Zgrabczyński (2007). Identyfikacja i ocena sprawności przepławek dla ryb w regionie wodnym Warty. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1 (2), #35
ISO 690 ZGRABCZYńSKI, Józef. Identyfikacja i ocena sprawności przepławek dla ryb w regionie wodnym Warty. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2007, 1.2: #35.
Corresponding address:
Józef Zgrabczyński
Józef Zgrabczyński
Biuro Projektów Wodnych Melioracji i Inżynierii Środowiska BIPROWODMEL Sp. z o.o.
ul. Dąbrowskiego 138
60-577 Poznań, Poland
Accepted for print: 10.05.2007