Chosen problems of small pond functioning in urban areas
Summary. Bydgoszcz is an example of a city with numerous small water reservoirs. Most of them were created due to human activity. Regarding origin they can be divided into several groups: ponds in mines, ponds located near mills, post-training reservoirs (they are results of river-training made for regulation of the streamway), industrial ponds, ponds located near farms and ox-bows (typical lakes). Although Bydgoszcz has a tradition reaching 17th century of creation or adaptation of ponds in order to improve aesthetic valours of urban areas, most of today’s water reservoirs were transformed to dumping grounds. These objects make town planning difficulty. many problems in urban planning. The preservation of currently existing water reservoirs combined with their restoration or adaptation to new functions can provide many profits:
– liquidation of waste lands in towns (that concerns not only the water reservoir, but also surrounding area),
– improvement of aesthetics of towns and counteraction of the monotony in urban area,
– increasing of recreation area along with their equal disposition, – enrichment of urban biocenosis, – increasing of retention in natural basins and basins connected with drainage system,
– preservation of zones with profitable microclimate (alleviation of the air temperature, increasing air moisture),
– protection of historical places, monuments (canals, mills),
– educational profits.
In last years over a dozen ponds located in the urban area were objects of restoration works. That effort made it possible to determine main issues appearing during that kind of investments. Following article focuses on:
– necessity of taking significant expenses in order to perform restoration
– lack of immediate economical benefits coming from restoration
– problems with assuring sufficient water capacity in ponds
– high pond vulnerability to degradation (due to natural and anthropogenic pollution)
– high pond vulnerability to secondary devastation (acts of vandalism)
Nevertheless, course of action taken in Bydgoszcz urban area seems to be is the most rational way to make use of small ponds.
– liquidation of waste lands in towns (that concerns not only the water reservoir, but also surrounding area),
– improvement of aesthetics of towns and counteraction of the monotony in urban area,
– increasing of recreation area along with their equal disposition, – enrichment of urban biocenosis, – increasing of retention in natural basins and basins connected with drainage system,
– preservation of zones with profitable microclimate (alleviation of the air temperature, increasing air moisture),
– protection of historical places, monuments (canals, mills),
– educational profits.
In last years over a dozen ponds located in the urban area were objects of restoration works. That effort made it possible to determine main issues appearing during that kind of investments. Following article focuses on:
– necessity of taking significant expenses in order to perform restoration
– lack of immediate economical benefits coming from restoration
– problems with assuring sufficient water capacity in ponds
– high pond vulnerability to degradation (due to natural and anthropogenic pollution)
– high pond vulnerability to secondary devastation (acts of vandalism)
Nevertheless, course of action taken in Bydgoszcz urban area seems to be is the most rational way to make use of small ponds.
Key words: urban hydrology, limnology, water storage, ponds
For citation:
MLA | Gorączko, Marcin. "Wybrane problemy funkcjonowania małych zbiorników wodnych na obszarach zurbanizowanych." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1.2 (2007): #20. |
APA | Marcin Gorączko (2007). Wybrane problemy funkcjonowania małych zbiorników wodnych na obszarach zurbanizowanych. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1 (2), #20 |
ISO 690 | GORąCZKO, Marcin. Wybrane problemy funkcjonowania małych zbiorników wodnych na obszarach zurbanizowanych. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2007, 1.2: #20. |
Corresponding address:
Marcin Gorączko
Marcin Gorączko
Katedra Inżynierii Sanitarnej i Wodnej
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy
ul. Grodzka 18/20
85-109 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Marcin Gorączko
Marcin Gorączko
Katedra Inżynierii Sanitarnej i Wodnej
Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Bydgoszczy
ul. Grodzka 18/20
85-109 Bydgoszcz, Poland
Accepted for print: 10.05.2007