Some hydrographical problems triggered by inception and existence performance of the Soczewka Reservoir on the Skrwa Lewa River
Summary. In years 1848-1853 four watermills, previously operating at the mouth of the Skrwa Lewa River, gave rise to one large reservoir, the water of which drove the turbines of the paper-mill at Soczewka. The Soczewka Reservoir is one of the oldest polish reservoirs. After the creating of the reservoir, Skrwa Lewa River has two separated channels, which off the water to the Vistula River. In 1979 the dam and the weir on the Skrwa Lewa River got broken, the water from the higher situated reservoir flowed down, which resulted in a catastrophic flood in the river valley. The reservoir was rebuilt in 1982. The Soczewka Reservoir plays an important role in the outflow from the entire basin. Average discharge of the Skrwa Lewa River at the IMGW station in Klusek amounts 1.0 m3s-1. Location of the Soczewka Reservoir at the mouth of the river as well as its considerable capacity (1.2 hm3,/sup> of water), seem to level down the fluctuations of the amount of water drained from the basin. It is difficult to asses the amount of water outflow of the entire basin of the Skrwa Lewa River as only part of water from the Soczewka Reservoir is supplied to the Vistula via an open channel, i.e. the Kanał Wschodni. On the basis of the taken measurements (period 2000-2005) it was assessed that along the above channel 0.17 m3s-1 of water flows. Thus, most of the water, i.e. 2.0 m3s-1 on average, is supplied through the Kanał Zachodni to the hydroelectric power station in Soczewka. From there the water is supplied directly to the Vistula River.
Key words: Skrwa Lewa River basin, Soczewka Reservoir, watermill, river regulation
For citation:
MLA | Brykała, Dariusz. "Wybrane problemy hydrograficzne wywołane powstaniem i funkcjonowaniem zbiornika Soczewka na Skrwie Lewej." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1.2 (2007): #14. |
APA | Dariusz Brykała (2007). Wybrane problemy hydrograficzne wywołane powstaniem i funkcjonowaniem zbiornika Soczewka na Skrwie Lewej. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1 (2), #14 |
ISO 690 | BRYKAłA, Dariusz. Wybrane problemy hydrograficzne wywołane powstaniem i funkcjonowaniem zbiornika Soczewka na Skrwie Lewej. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2007, 1.2: #14. |
Corresponding address:
Dariusz Brykała
Dariusz Brykała
Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania
Polska Akademia Nauk
ul. Kopernika 19
87-100 Toruń, Poland
e-mail: dariusz.brykala@geopan.torun.p
Dariusz Brykała
Dariusz Brykała
Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania
Polska Akademia Nauk
ul. Kopernika 19
87-100 Toruń, Poland
e-mail: dariusz.brykala@geopan.torun.p
Accepted for print: 10.05.2007