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Ata Önal, Semih Ötles
A distance education model for Turkish university system
Summary. The Turkish university system is reported to be of good standard, but many of the country’s 54 universities have less to offer than one normally expects from a university. In addition to these universities, Turkey has a distance education system named “Open Education”. We investigate a distance education model that uses internet facilities and try to integrate this model to the current "Open University Model" in Turkey. This paper gives an overview of the literature which leads to the model and a brief discussion on the design of the model at its current phase.
Key words: distance education, university system, education model
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For citation:

MLA Önal, Ata, and Semih Ötles. "A distance education model for Turkish university system." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1.4 (2007): #51.
APA Ata Önal, Semih Ötles (2007). A distance education model for Turkish university system. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1 (4), #51
ISO 690 ÖNAL, Ata, ÖTLES, Semih. A distance education model for Turkish university system. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2007, 1.4: #51.
Corresponding address:
Ata Önal
Semih Ötles
Department of Food Engineering of Ege University
Bornova 35 100

Accepted for print: 31.10.2007