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Bożena Szymaś, Milena Socha, Aleksandra Łangowska
Honey production in queen-breeding apiary
Summary. The objective of this study was to assess the honey yield of rearing bee colonies from an apiary specializing in the production of bee queens. The quantity of honey obtained from colonies rearing queens from 1-day old worker larvae and quantity of honey obtained from colonies that were the source of young bees for the settlement of mating hives, was compared. Additionally, brood frames for establishing bee nuclei were being constantly removed from all colonies. No difference was found between experimental colonies from different groups in terms of honey yield. It was also found that despite of breeding works mean honey yield per colony was quite good and it was similar to the average honey yields recorded countrywide.
Key words: honey bee, honey production, queen rearing, colony’s strength
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For citation:

MLA Szymaś, Bożena, et al. "Honey production in queen-breeding apiary." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1.4 (2007): #49.
APA Bożena Szymaś, Milena Socha, Aleksandra Łangowska (2007). Honey production in queen-breeding apiary. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1 (4), #49
ISO 690 SZYMAś, Bożena, SOCHA, Milena, ŁANGOWSKA, Aleksandra. Honey production in queen-breeding apiary. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2007, 1.4: #49.
Corresponding address:
Bożena Szymaś
Bożena Szymaś
Katedra Hodowli Owadów Użytkowych
Akademia Rolnicza im. Augusta Cieszkowskiego w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 71 C
61-635 Poznań

Accepted for print: 31.07.2007