Nauka Przyroda Technologie

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Bożena Szymaś, Antoni Przybył
Midgut histological picture of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) following consumption of substitute feeds supplemented with feed additives
Summary. The histological picture of the honey bee ventriculus undergoes changes as a result of action of such factors as, among others: toxic substances, incorrect nutrition, bacterial infections or age of the insect. The objective of this research project was to assess morphological changes in the midgut of the honey bee with a special emphasis on the degree of the peritrophic membrane production following the consumption of sugar syrup or pollen substitute to which either lactic acid or probiotic preparation were added. The performed investigations failed to reveal significant levels of bee deaths and the recorded high percentage proportion of live insects indicates their good physical condition. The histological analysis of the morphological changes of the midgut epithelial cells of bees fed substitute feeds confirmed slight changes in the cell structures. Differences were recorded in the quantities of the developed peritrophic membranes. The microscopic pictures of midguts of worker bees fed carbohydrate or protein pollen substitute revealed that the highest numbers of peritrophic membranes could be found when the sugar syrup or pollen substitute was supplemented with the probiotic preparation.
Key words: honey bee, midgut, histological picture, perytrophic membranes, feeding
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For citation:

MLA Szymaś, Bożena, and Antoni Przybył. "Midgut histological picture of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) following consumption of substitute feeds supplemented with feed additives." Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1.4 (2007): #48.
APA Bożena Szymaś, Antoni Przybył (2007). Midgut histological picture of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) following consumption of substitute feeds supplemented with feed additives. Nauka Przyr. Technol. 1 (4), #48
ISO 690 SZYMAś, Bożena, PRZYBYł, Antoni. Midgut histological picture of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) following consumption of substitute feeds supplemented with feed additives. Nauka Przyr. Technol., 2007, 1.4: #48.
Corresponding address:
Bożena Szymaś
Bożena Szymaś
Katedra Hodowli Owadów Użytkowych
Akademia Rolnicza im. Augusta Cieszkowskiego w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 71 C
60-634 Poznań

Accepted for print: 29.07.2007